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My URL: xianz.com/Forever_Dreaming
Jessica updated 07/22/2006
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#457 Member since 02/19/2006
URL: xianz.com/Forever_Dreaming


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English, muy poco espanol
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Frank Peretti
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Demon Hunter, Sonic Flood, Rascal Flatts, Extol, East West, Building 429, Toby Mac, Basically anything
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Latest Blog: June 06, 2006

Hey  y'all,

     Sorry I haven't been on in awhile, I've been SOOO busy! Volleyball tryouts started yesterday, and have gone pretty well. I know that I've made the JV team, possibly going to do both JV and Varisty, depending on if Varisty needs any more girls. But I've gotten so many bruises in the past two days, haha, I love it! Everyone thinks I'm so stupid for loving to throw myself on the ground to save a ball, but its' so much fun! Today I earned a new nickname on the court....but there is a short story behind it....Last year on our volleyball team there's a girl we call Char and she was always on the floor to save a ball...and this year I'm like her....so one of my teamates said that she was going to call me slip-n-slide because of the noise when I hit the ground....(screeching of skin meets ground type stuff) So it's really cool.

     Um....Well I also made a speech today because I'm running for Chaplain of our grade for next year. Hopefully I got it, but we'll see how that goes. And that's about it for now, I need to go rest up...adn I have an exam tomorrow! 7 more days of school!

<3 Short Person <3

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A little about me...

Here For Friends, Growing in Christ
Gender Female
Age 17
Interests Singing, Dancing, Writing, Softball, Volleyball, God, Pool, Beach, Guitar, Piano
Hometown My own little world
Schools HCHS
About me


     Jessical; loves to make friends, loves to make people smile, is called in the music ministry. Loves softball, loves volleyball, loves playing the guitar and piano. Loves talking to friends, loves going to youth group and to read God's Word. She also hopes people will talk to her and to meet new friends :)





Denomination Assembly of God
Current Mood xianzish
Xianz Groups Softball Players & Fans!

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Do you Smoke? No
Do you drink alcohol? No
Body Type Petite
Race/Ethnicity White-Caucasian
Do you have any Pets? Cat

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Occupation Student

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Blog Date: April 09, 2006

Well, Geeze Softball, the Worship Band and School have basically taken over my life. If I'm not at softball practice pitching, or outside pitching I'm at worship band practice, and if I'm not there I'm working on my voice and pitching here. And if I'm not doing either of those I'm doing school. And Vice versa because school is very important. So how's everyone been? I'm so excited to be making friends, as an Extrovert I LOVE it! So if anyone wants to drop me a line, I always want to make new friends! Well I just wanted to say what was goin on and see what was goin on with y'all!

God Bless y'all!


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Blog Date: February 26, 2006

Hey everyone, Well this is my first blog.....so I suppose I'll just tell about my weekend. Friday was the youth rally, well first was Softball tryouts which went well we didnt' run as much as we did on Thursday...we just sprinted, then we batted and threw, all that good stuff. Then when I got home I had to go straight to church and the youth rally was awesome, God was there, He's so amazing! We had no difficulties for the youth band. I had an out-of-body experience, because I was there singing and harmonizing, but I just couldn't really think about anything, or do anything, I was just focusing in on God. Stickman went awesome, Kendall, kayla you did awesome! Then the drama went well......8 Teenagers came up to accept Christ for the first time and about 20 came up to "see people as God see's people" Then we went to the YMCA and played sports, talked, stuff like that, which was fun. Saturday I went out with my family, and then Today the youth lead worship, which again was awesome, and Pastor delievered a good message. But um, you all I do need prayer because I'm going through something. So prayers are always appriciated! Thanks you guys! God Bless, Jessica

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Jessica's Favorite Bands

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July 01, 2006

Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.  He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.  Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall;  but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

Isaiah 40:28-31

this user is offline nowsend Daniel a messageadd Daniel as a personal friendblock/ignore Daniel  Daniel options
June 07, 2006
Image hosting by Photobucket

this user is offline nowsend Blushing Well a messageadd Blushing Well as a personal friendblock/ignore Blushing Well  Blushing Well options (Alternative/Modern)
June 01, 2006

Thank you very much for adding us to you band list. Glad to have you on our friend list. When you get some time, please feel free to learn more about us.



this user is offline nowsend Daniel a messageadd Daniel as a personal friendblock/ignore Daniel  Daniel options
May 18, 2006
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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May 17, 2006
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send this rose to everyone you care about including me if you care. See how many times you get this, if you get a dozen your loved.

this user is offline nowsend Rise a messageadd Rise as a personal friendblock/ignore Rise  Rise options (Rock)
May 03, 2006

Hey Jessica,

Thanks a lot for adding us as a favorite band! Rock on!!!

In His Glorious Name,

Mike B, Steve, Jorge & Mike P <><Rise><>

this user is offline nowsend daYoung a messageadd daYoung as a personal friendblock/ignore daYoung  daYoung options
April 23, 2006
hey where do you live?

this user is offline nowsend Christine a messageadd Christine as a personal friendblock/ignore Christine  Christine options
April 18, 2006

Hey Jess!

Wow it's been a while since I've been on here. But I agee with your blog. I'm totally busy too and know exactly how you feel minus the softball part. It's soooo crazy. But I know God will get us through it. Just trust in Him. Love ya girl!


this user is offline nowsend Hannah a messageadd Hannah as a personal friendblock/ignore Hannah  Hannah options
April 18, 2006
Hey, how are ya? I think I got a message from you a while ago, but I couldn't find it when I wanted to reply. So anyway, how do you like this whole xianz space? Seems pretty cool to me.

this user is offline nowsend anjelica a messageadd anjelica as a personal friendblock/ignore anjelica  anjelica options
April 14, 2006
do you have an instant message name? What is it?

this user is offline nowsend anjelica a messageadd anjelica as a personal friendblock/ignore anjelica  anjelica options
April 14, 2006
thats great! I never played guitar for worship at church, yet, like your youthgroup does ive only sang but every Saturday night my family and friends and i all got to haight street in san francisco and i have been dong worship with my guitar and singing with my sister.

this user is offline nowsend anjelica a messageadd anjelica as a personal friendblock/ignore anjelica  anjelica options
April 14, 2006
thats so cool that you love music and guitar! and you use it for God! I was reading your profile you said you have band practice what is your bands name?

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April 12, 2006
Hosted by SparkleTags.com
Hosted by Sparkle Tags

this user is offline nowsend daYoung a messageadd daYoung as a personal friendblock/ignore daYoung  daYoung options
April 11, 2006

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April 11, 2006

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April 09, 2006
Welcome & God bless you richly & I'm so glad you're here & you're so very pretty!

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April 03, 2006
yeah jess!!! demonhunter is the BEST!! talk to ya soon!! God bless!!

this user is offline nowsend Larry a messageadd Larry as a personal friendblock/ignore Larry  Larry options
April 03, 2006

             HOWDY !

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March 11, 2006

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March 05, 2006
glitter graphics

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