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Pauline updated 06/13/2006
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#4824 Member since 03/30/2006
URL: xianz.com/Sugar


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Latest Blog: May 30, 2006

I have been watching a production on a DVD about Creationism. They suggest that the bible speaks about the firmaments in a different tone than some, and I mostly have to agree with him. He speaks of the water in the atmosphere, possibly a form of ice circling the planet, and then the water covering the planet. This happening before the division of the water on the earth that God did. After the plants were created this would have given them a greenhouse affect, making everything huge because it would have held the oxygen closer to the land making everything, and eventually some men (known later as giants) to become very great in size. The scientist's have tested this idea out, as far as pressure chambers, and feeding oxygen to plants, to see if this in fact worked. It did with amazing results. People were healed of diseases, plants grew, giants bones have been found, some over 11 feet long. Can you imagine the high Adam and Eve may have gotten from just breathing? When the flood occurred this atmospheric enclosure dissipated and therefore flooded the earth causing damage that is still prevalent today. It was suggested that Noah and his sons may have been pretty good sized and therefore were extremely capable of building the Ark that God directed them to build. It has also been suggested that the animals that were put into the Ark may have been in their youth state and therefore Noah would have had no problem putting seven of each kind in. The Smithsonian Institute shunned the idea of putting the skeletal bones into their museum as they would have had to introduce the true fact that, indeed, there was scientific proof that there were giants in those days and the theory (scientifically proven wrong) for the big bang theory and Darwinism is unsupportable. There has been suggested also in some of our history that the Creation took place over thousands of years. This is simply not an option, the Lord stated that he created it in 6 days and He rested on the 7th. There have been scholars introduce new editions of the Bible (other than King James Version) trying to get the theory to fit that the days consisted of several thousand years. I would suggest that anyone go back to original text and apply the simple statements that said days, not years. In Alaska, the question was asked of some drillers, "Have you found anything unusual since you started drilling here?" They expressed that, indeed, they had. They found after drilling down 1,000 feet there was a tree that eventually measured 300 feet tall before they reached it's roots. This part of Alaska only has tree's now approximately 1 foot tall and no higher. Do you think the above would explain this? Many things have been suggested by many people and to me I can easily theorize that the Lord knew what He was talking about and that this is an easy pill to swallow. Oxygen is known to do wonderful things, it is a natural product, even helping cure Multiple Scherzos and many other diseases and bodily functions. I have come to realize, if the Lord says something, He means it. It is not difficult, or hard to theorize the truth. he said it is so simple a child could understand it. I wonder, sometimes, if the lack of oxygen from our sin has caused us to question God too much!

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Do you Smoke? No
Do you drink alcohol? No
Marital Status Widowed
Body Type A Few Extra Pounds
Do you have any Children? Yes
Height 5ft8 - 5ft10 / 1.73m-1.78m
Eye Color Hazel
Hair Color Blonde
Race/Ethnicity White-Caucasian
Do you have any Pets? Dog
Do you want Children? 4

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Occupation Head of ChildrensDivisionofHeavenlyAngelsinNeed
Salary Not listed

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Education Some College
Special Groups http://refugeeswithin.blogspot.com/ <BR><BR> http://heavenlyangelsinneed.blogspot.com/

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09/24 Adult Family Care Home ( Services) - this user is offline nowsend Michelle a messageadd Michelle as a personal friendblock/ignore Michelle  Michelle options

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this user is offline nowsend MeMe a messageadd MeMe as a personal friendblock/ignore MeMe  MeMe options
November 11, 2006

this user is offline nowsend The Orphan Family a messageadd The Orphan Family as a personal friendblock/ignore The Orphan Family  The Orphan Family options (Southern Gospel)
October 30, 2006

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October 28, 2006

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

I miss u so much and I miss hearing from u and you're in my prayers.

you're in my heart and I love u so much precious angel you!

I thought of u today and often and I would love to hear from u soon...

this user is offline nowsend Paisley Yankolovich a messageadd Paisley Yankolovich as a personal friendblock/ignore Paisley Yankolovich  Paisley Yankolovich options (Contemporary)
October 23, 2006

Thanks for adding me! It’s great to be here in such good company!


I have songs on here that you and your friends can download for FREE! It would mean a lot to me if you took the time to listen.


There is also a FREE CD available for download on my website!


Just visit www.paisleyyankolovich.com Click on "Lyrics/Music." Scroll all the way down to the CD, "Not Unclean" (my first, came out in 2004), and download away!


I really hope you enjoy my music! P

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October 20, 2006
Hi! How are you? Have a great weekend! Love, Dottie

this user is offline nowsend Carolyn a messageadd Carolyn as a personal friendblock/ignore Carolyn  Carolyn options
October 03, 2006

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September 28, 2006

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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this user is offline nowsend The Count a messageadd The Count as a personal friendblock/ignore The Count  The Count options
September 18, 2006

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August 23, 2006

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July 20, 2006
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this user is offline nowsend Etienne a messageadd Etienne as a personal friendblock/ignore Etienne  Etienne options
July 02, 2006

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July 02, 2006

Thank you sincerely,

For all that you do,

For being my friend,

For just being you!

You mean so much to me

And you play a big part

In the way I live my life and

The happy feelings In my heart.

Thanks for being such a special

And important part of my life!

I miss u dearly alot!

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June 21, 2006
Image hosting by Photobucket

this user is offline nowsend Lori a messageadd Lori as a personal friendblock/ignore Lori  Lori options
June 16, 2006
myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphicsThanks for the Add, Pauline! Hope you have a great weekend!

this user is offline nowsend Kay a messageadd Kay as a personal friendblock/ignore Kay  Kay options
June 15, 2006
myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

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June 13, 2006
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting I miss u alot and you're in my thoughts.

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June 09, 2006
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June 09, 2006

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June 07, 2006
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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June 04, 2006
Image hosting by PhotobucketAnd God Bless You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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